Monday, August 27, 2007


There doesn't seem to be a day when some religious fanatic decides to give the world a freakin break from spreading mayhem. Everyday some moron blows some place apart..or even worse blows himself apart..(talk about sacrificing your life for a cause)...apparently it's what their religion tells them to do....and they expect the world to believe them....i guess they don't care about the world in self denial of the fact that what they are doin is madness. And doing it in the name of religion is the biggest mistake ever. Thanks to these morons a religion seems to have taken the blame for everything wrong with this world.
My country has been on the receiving end of this bloodshed for decades now. When ever a bomb goes off and innocent people lose there lives, every one of my country men feels sad and helpless...i can never imagine the pain and sorrow one feels upon losing a loved one to this mindless violence. Last week, my home town was the centre of this madness. 45 people lost their lives and scores of them were injured. Never has such an incident instilled a sense of fear in me..shook me to the core.... or made me scamper for the phone.
The bombs went of at places i used to visit frequently....not just me....but every person in that city. The news gripped me with fear like never before. I couldn't recollect phone numbers of loved ones which were at the tip of my tongue....i found myself calling every friend i knew and ensuring everything was fine with them and their loved ones.....It could have so easily been someone i knew. What makes it even more scary is the fact that i still have images of hanging out at those place with my folks and buddies. I would bunk classes and go to these places to freak out. Parents would bring their kids to these places over the weekend to have a good time. I can still remember some of the pranks my buddies played at those places.....

I am so glad my country men haven't been scared or bogged down by such heinous acts and have gone about their lives like nothing happened. Deep down i know they fear the worst but that doesn't keep them from hoping for the best and walking tall with their heads held up high. I guess its time to fight back.How much ever one likes Gandhigiri, it's high time we switch over to Munna bhais old ways of doin things.

"Eent(8)h ka jawab Pathar se deneka"

Jaddu ki Jhappi aint working any more

I salute the people of Hyderabad for the way they have dealt with this tragedy and my heart goes out to all those people who have lost someone to this incident. (Damn that line sounds like a freaking politician making a sorry ass statement)


"You'll take my life but Ill take yours too

You'll fire you musket but Ill run you through

So when your waiting for the next attack

You'd better stand there's no turning back"


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